Forecasting Model Designing of Economic Firm’s Performance in Competitive Environment

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, Payame Noor University.

2 Assistant Professor, Payame Noor University.

3 PhD student, Payame Noor University faculty member.


The aim of this study was designed to model economic firm’s performance and recognizing the most important approaches in making certain strategic decisions and analysis of required structural and organizational contexts in considering some succeeded approaches toward the market in Payame Noor University. Considering above items and using an applicable and developmental approach, follow up some survey and the correlational strategies and in accordance of hypothesis test, in both descriptive and inferential perspectives, analysis of questionnaire findings of this survey are provided. Statistical population of this survey was managers worked out in PNU provincial centers and therefore certain sample size was 111 people. Related factors in draft model were 64 variables in which using Delphi method, those variables reviewed and evaluated in two stages. Finally regarding some modifications, totally 70 variables were collected in final questionnaire. Using CFA and Path analysis and considering 7 main hypotheses, the effect of structural factors on business strategies of PNU, was not found to be significant. However, the coefficient of market orientation variable on business strategy of the PNU is not significantly significant either. But in different themes, the influence of business strategies on the performance of the university has surveyed in which results showed the significant effects of used strategy types on performance of university.


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