Ph.D Student, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch.
Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Kermanshah Branch.
Assistant Professor, University of Kurdistan.
Today, with the development of societies, entrepreneurship is vital, and so is the sustainability of an innovative entrepreneurial company. The main motive of this paper is to present a compilation methodology for estimating the priority of entrepreneurship and innovation indicators using multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) methods, so that the three key criteria for individual, organizational and cultural dimensions are simultaneously involved in this decision. Then, a combination of the findings was obtained which is introduced in the form of a categorization of indicators. Next, based on the method of analysis, experts from the field of entrepreneurship and innovation were gathered. The process of evaluation, weight identification and prioritization of indicators was also carried out by two methods of analytical network process (ANP) and a decision-making and assessment exam and laboratory (DEMATEL). This study clearly showed that individual abilities are the basis for creating innovation and entrepreneurship in the organization and the capabilities of the organization should provide the appropriate space and facilities to the individual to actualize these two. The most important criteria were job motivation with a weight of 0.3578, and training and learning in the form of individual skill level with a weight of 0.1240, respectively. The most important alternative that can be used as a target and model is the first of three subsidiaries of Kayson International Company, which has the best position in terms of priority with a weight above 0.4498. The next companies were in the second and third places with weights of 0.2579 and 0.2132, respectively.
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Mehdi Karimi; Farshid Namamian; Farhad Vafaei; Alireza Moradi. "Identifying and Evaluating the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Indicators of Smart International Companies Using DEMATEL-ANP". Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 10, 4, 2020, 117-154. doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.4.117
Karimi, M., Namamian, F., Vafaei, F., Moradi, A. (2020). 'Identifying and Evaluating the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Indicators of Smart International Companies Using DEMATEL-ANP', Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 10(4), pp. 117-154. doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.4.117
Karimi, M., Namamian, F., Vafaei, F., Moradi, A. Identifying and Evaluating the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Indicators of Smart International Companies Using DEMATEL-ANP. Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 2020; 10(4): 117-154. doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.4.117