Designing a Performance Evaluation Model for the Technical and Vocational Education Organization of Iran with an Emphasis on the Financial Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph. D Candidate, Allameh Tabataba'i University.

2 Assistant Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University.

3 Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University.

4 Associate Professor, Allameh Tabataba'i University.



Generally, monitoring and performance assessing procedure systems are methods that managers use to maintain or modify work patterns or organizational resources. This is accomplished by determining goals and planning and, consequently, evaluating performance in order to become aware of the success rate in achieving predetermined goals. The present study is an applied-developmental research, because it aims to design a performance evaluation model for the Iranian Technical & Vocational Training Organization (TVTO) with an emphasis on a financial approach, thus helping the designers of the organization to adopt an optimal organization design. In the present study, based on the goals and hypotheses of the research, the methods of questionnaire, interview and study of documents have been used. To analyze the collected data, first, descriptive statistics was utilized to gain a primary understanding of the questionnaires. Next, on the inferential level, to verify the validity of the hypotheses and the relationships between the variables of the research, the path analysis technique was used. To investigate the model’s goodness of fit, confirmatory factor analysis was used. Then, the condition of the components was investigated using the t-test and, finally, the components were examined and compared. The results of the research show that the determined indicators and components are confirmed with high percentage. If they are considered by managers, they will be effective in improving the organization's performance and resource optimization.


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