Iran's construction industry has faced some problems in recent years, including rework, high costs and design errors. Engineers in this field have always emphasized the use of modern methods of building modern technologies and technologies to improve quality, reduce time, cost and increase productivity. One of these technologies is building information modeling technology, which has been very difficult to adopt and implement in this country. The purpose of this research is to present a systemic and holistic model to analyze the dynamics of adoption and implementation of this technology in Iran. For this purpose, a hybrid research method is designed, so that in the first phase using the grounded theory, a conceptual model of technology adoption is presented, and then using a system dynamics approach, a quantitative mathematical model with simulated decision consequences is presented. Four policies under the scenarios were implemented on the model. The results show that government support consisting of a set of measures is the most efficient solution to develop adoption and implementation of this technology.
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Bastan, M. , , Zarei, M. , and Ahmadvand, A. M. . "Building Information Modeling Adoption Model in Iran", Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 10, 1, 2020, 9-39. doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.1.9
Bastan, M., Zarei, M., Ahmadvand, A. M. (2020). 'Building Information Modeling Adoption Model in Iran', Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 10(1), pp. 9-39. doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.1.9
M. Bastan , M. Zarei and A. M. Ahmadvand, "Building Information Modeling Adoption Model in Iran," Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 10 1 (2020): 9-39, doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.1.9
Bastan, M., Zarei, M., Ahmadvand, A. M. Building Information Modeling Adoption Model in Iran. Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 2020; 10(1): 9-39. doi: 10.52547/jimp.10.1.9