Entrepreneurial decision-making has been a home of interest for many studies. There are several research streams in the field, but the context suffers from lack of holistic conceptual models. Using meta-synthesis approach, we synthesized a model based on deep assessment of codes arisen from 10 noteworthy studies previously conducted in this field. Three coding steps taken to reach us to final model of this study. The model consolidated Causal conditions for entrepreneurial decision-making together with Entrepreneurial Decision as core category. Strategies of Decision-making (action) also identified and entered to the final model. The Model shows the Context and intervening conditions in entrepreneurial decision-making and Consequences of entrepreneurial decision-making. Finally, time aspect of entrepreneurial decision-making is the dimension that has been identified and added to the model, which shows the time dynamic nature of entrepreneurial decision-making.
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Mohammadi, G. , , Sajadi, S. M. , and Sakhdari, K. . "Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach", Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 9, 3, 2019, 87-108. doi: 10.52547/jimp.9.3.87
Mohammadi, G., Sajadi, S. M., Sakhdari, K. (2019). 'Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach', Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 9(3), pp. 87-108. doi: 10.52547/jimp.9.3.87
G. Mohammadi , S. M. Sajadi and K. Sakhdari, "Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach," Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 9 3 (2019): 87-108, doi: 10.52547/jimp.9.3.87
Mohammadi, G., Sajadi, S. M., Sakhdari, K. Entrepreneurial Decision-Making Model: A Meta-Synthesis Approach. Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 2019; 9(3): 87-108. doi: 10.52547/jimp.9.3.87