Combining Bird Flight Algorithm and CUL Heuristic Algorithm for On-Demand Two-Dimensional Non-Guilline Cutting Problem

Document Type : Original Article


1 M.A. Student.

2 Assistant Professor, Yazd University.


In this paper, the problem of two-dimensional shear is investigated with demand. In this case, by cutting large rectangular sheets, the smaller rectangles needed should be produced in a way that minimizes waste or the number of sheets consumed while supplying them. The shear problem is one of the NP-Hard problems that precise methods cannot solve in practice. Therefore, in this paper, using a bird flight algorithm, a meta-heuristic algorithm for solving the two-dimensional shear problem is presented. In order to improve the efficiency of this algorithm and to avoid overlap in the shear problem, the CUL heuristic algorithm was employed. Also, to evaluate the results of the proposed algorithm, a combination of PSO and CUL algorithms (software) was developed that provides the best possible cutting pattern considering the length and width of the home screen and considering the size of the components and the number requested.


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