The Impact of Organizational Process Integration and Logistics Lean on Business Performance

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor Semnan University.

2 M.A., Allameh Tabatabaei University.

3 Ph.D student, Allameh Tabatabaei University.


The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the impact of integration of organizational processes and logistics on business performance in automotive industry. In this survey study, we first identify the set of dimensions of integration of organizational processes in an appropriate organizational planning system. Then different aspects of logistics lean are identified and after identifying different dimensions in two issues of process integration and logistic lean, we examine the impact of these dimensions on business performance. Identification of different dimensions is done based on confirmatory factor analysis and then with the help of correlation analysis, we will investigate the type of relationship of each dimension determined with business performance in the automotive industry. The results show the impact of three factors of loss reduction, suppliers and supply chain integration on both internal and external dimensions of organizational process integration. The information system is also influenced by the external integration dimension, which can be concluded that logistic leanings increase the integration of organizational processes. Also, both the integration of organizational processes and the logistics leanings enhance the business performance of the enterprise.


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