An Integrated Approach of DEA with a Variety of Outputs and Windows Analysis for Evaluating Efficiency of the Power Industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Semnan University.

2 Assistant Professor, Guilan University.

3 Ph.D. Candidate, Semnan University.


The aim of this study is to evaluate efficiency of the power industry using an integrated approach of Network DEA with a variety of outputs and Windows Analysis. This network system includes undesirable, final desirable and intermediate output in time interval of 2012 to 2014. Input and output variables of first and second stages were respectively considered as domestic consumption of power stations, fuel consumption, thermal output, efficiency, nominal power of power station and operational power of power station, maximum production, especial production and gross production, capacity of power transmission substations, and finally delivery energy and energy losses. The results indicate that due to the possibility of integration over three times, in terms of total efficiency and efficiency of production stage, there is highest number of efficient units. In 2013 However, compared to efficient frontier of three periods, electricity production stage had the greatest number of inefficient units and increasing the number of efficient units in the total efficiency stage is due to high efficiency of regional electricity companies.


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