A Mathematic Model for Green Supply Chain of Project Construction considering Project Scheduling

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc Student, Iran University of Science and Technology.

2 Associate Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology.

3 Assistant Professor, Iran University of Science and Technology.

4 Ph.D Student, Iran University of Science and Technology.


The construction supply chain encounters with a lot of challenges that one of the most significant can refer to the higher sources wasting in project site and also the high pollution on amount of this type of supply chains. On the other hand, the most managers of supply chains need to the integration of supply chain such as project sources and time specifics, determining the production and inventory level, and also determining numbers and type of vehicles that are included, in order to its cost is calculated in an optimal form. For this purpose, in this article an integrated model has been proposed which first objective function is maximizing the profit, and the second objective amount is minimizing the emission of the carbon dioxide gas, whereas a solution way for the prevention of sources waste in project site is presented.  With assumption of determining project network and also the durations and daily demand of each activity, this supply chain model pans the different periods of time. To consider this bi-objective and nonlinear model, the model has been first linearized, and by using the epsilon-constraint method and also coding in GSMS software has been solved and its results have been finally analyzed with two numerical examples. 


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