Determining and Weighting Resilience Strategies in the Iran Khodro Supply Chain

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D Student, Mazandaran University.

2 Associate Professor, Mazandaran University.

3 Associate Professor, MazandaranUniversity.

4 Professor, Mazandaran University.


This research deals with resilient supply chain of Iran Khodro Company. The aim of this study is to determine strategies that are able to prevent the occurrence of stopping Iran Khodro production lines, or if stopped, production lines to be restored with the minimum time to pre-disruption or more favorable state. Furthermore, this study determines the weight of resilience strategies in the Iran Khodro supply chain. In this study all failure modes that have the potential to stop Iran Khodro production lines have been identified through the research literature and expert opinions. In this research fuzzy FMEA and FAAO techniques have been used to determine resilience strategies. Also the weight of resilience strategies was identified using fuzzy DANP technique. 15 strategies have been introduced by experts through FMEA and FAAO techniques in order to make resilient the supply chain of Iran Khodro. Also according to the FDANP technique, the weight of each of these strategies was determined.


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