Locating using Geographical Information System and Weighted Maximal Covering Model

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, University of Tehran.

2 Ph.D student, Tehran University.


     At the present time, firms especially banks and finance and credit institutions to compete in the business world are seeking for maximal customer covering, reducing costs and increasing profit and efficiency. For this purpose, they are looking for determining and choosing the best location to start economic activity with scientific methods. This study aimed to locate Mehr Eghtesad bank branches in the region 1 in Tehran city, using geographic information system and the weighted maximal covering model. First, through reviewing the literature and interviews with experts the criteria and sub-criteria affecting the location of bank branches were identified. After that, two questionnaires were prepared and distributed between the bank's Managers then the weights of criteria and sub-criteria were determined based on the Best-Worst Method. Geographic Information System was used to determine potential points that are inputs of the weighted maximal covering model. In the end, the weighted maximal covering model was solved in MATLAB and the best locations for opening the new branches were identified.


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