Organizations usually confront with disruptive incidents. The ability of an organization to reduce the losses caused by these incidents is referred to economic resilience. In this research, the performance of a petrochemical plant is investigated in case of a crisis. At first, based on a comprehensive literature review, a conceptual framework for organizational economic resilience is developed. A structured questionnaire is provided and distributed among the staff of a petrochemical plant as a real case study. Then, an uncertain Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model is employed to identify the efficient units of the petrochemical plant. At the end, a sensitivity analysis is performed to examine the importance of each factor in building economic resilience in the plant. This is the first study that presents an integrated qualitative-quantitative approach including a conceptual model for economic resilience and a DEA model in uncertain conditions in the whole supply chain of a petrochemical plant.
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Pahsapour, S. , , Bozorgi Amiri, A. , and Ghaderi, S. F. . "Performance Optimization of Industrial Units in Crisis Considering Economic Resilience Factors: A Case Study of a Petrochemical Plant", Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 8, 4, 2019, 149-183.
Pahsapour, S., Bozorgi Amiri, A., Ghaderi, S. F. (2019). 'Performance Optimization of Industrial Units in Crisis Considering Economic Resilience Factors: A Case Study of a Petrochemical Plant', Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 8(4), pp. 149-183.
S. Pahsapour , A. Bozorgi Amiri and S. F. Ghaderi, "Performance Optimization of Industrial Units in Crisis Considering Economic Resilience Factors: A Case Study of a Petrochemical Plant," Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 8 4 (2019): 149-183,
Pahsapour, S., Bozorgi Amiri, A., Ghaderi, S. F. Performance Optimization of Industrial Units in Crisis Considering Economic Resilience Factors: A Case Study of a Petrochemical Plant. Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 2019; 8(4): 149-183.