Project portfolio selection and risk response selection are two issues that have been considered disjointedly by the researchers. In this study, an integrated mathematical model is presented for the above-mentioned problems. A situation is noticed in which, in the stage of selecting the project portfolio, some of the proposed projects are facing risks, and some actions can be planned to mitigate these risks. With regard to the fact that implementing these responses requires resources and changes the risk of the portfolio, it is essential to consider the selection of responses at the stage of portfolio selection. A bi-objective mathematical model is proposed, whose first objective is to maximize the profit earned from selected projects, and its second objective is to minimize portfolio risk. Profit variance is considered as a measure of portfolio risk. A numerical example, illustrates the model application and the difference between the integrated and non-integrative approaches. Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II) is applied to solve the model.
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Mokhtari, G. , and Hasanzadeh, Y. . "An Integrated Multi-Objective Model for Project Portfolio Selection and Risk Response Actions Planning", Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 8, 4, 2019, 9-32.
Mokhtari, G., Hasanzadeh, Y. (2019). 'An Integrated Multi-Objective Model for Project Portfolio Selection and Risk Response Actions Planning', Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 8(4), pp. 9-32.
G. Mokhtari and Y. Hasanzadeh, "An Integrated Multi-Objective Model for Project Portfolio Selection and Risk Response Actions Planning," Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 8 4 (2019): 9-32,
Mokhtari, G., Hasanzadeh, Y. An Integrated Multi-Objective Model for Project Portfolio Selection and Risk Response Actions Planning. Journal of Industrial Management Perspective, 2019; 8(4): 9-32.