Designing Organizational Innovation Measuring Model with Dynamic Network DEA (Case Study: Iranian First Level Universities)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student, Tarbiat Modares University.

2 Professor, Tarbiat Modares University.

3 Associate Professor, Tarbiat Modares University.

4 Assistant Professor, Tarbiat Modares University.


Nowadays the efficiency-o7666riented performance evaluation of complex systems be-comes increasingly important for investment and management decisions. This paper proposes a new formulation approach based on dynamic network DEA (DN–DEA) models for multi-period and multi-division (MPMD) systems to measure and decompose the overall efficiency. Although conventional DEA models provide magnificant modeling idea of efficiency measures in the multi-input and -output contexts, they do not account for the multi-division transformation process of decision-making units (DMUs) and present “black-box” measures of their efficiency scores wich causes incorrect estimates of the efficiency points of the units by ignoring the information about the internal operations of the system. As an illustrative case study, the present research applies the proposed approach to evaluate the efficiencies of 13 universities of Iran over the three-year period and the rate of innovation has been measured according to each division, every period, as well as total innovation.


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