Analysis of Consumer Perspectives in End-of-Life Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Using Twitter Data

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph. D Candidate, Management & Accounting Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University.

2 Professor, Management & Accounting Faculty, Shahid Beheshti University.

3 Assistant Professor of Management at the Faculty of Management and Accounting, Shahid Beheshti University


Introduction: In today’s digital age, the rapid increase in the use of electrical and electronic devices has led to massive production of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). This trend poses serious challenges for solid waste management, making proper disposal of such waste a critical issue. According to global reports, the volume of WEEE is steadily increasing, emphasizing the need for effective waste management practices. Studies have shown that the rise in WEEE not only harms the environment but also has negative impacts on public health and natural resources. Consumers, as primary generators of this waste, play a pivotal role in its management. Therefore, understanding consumers' perspectives and behaviors regarding the disposal of WEEE is crucial for developing effective waste management strategies. This study aims to identify appropriate options for managing electrical and electronic equipment at their end-of-life stage. It seeks to analyze and identify best practices for managing such waste.
Methods: This research adopts a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. In the quantitative phase, data collected from Twitter (approximately 2,905,579 tweets) between May 2019 and April 2022 were analyzed. These data included consumers’ opinions and perspectives on WEEE management. Furthermore, the study employed the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process (FAHP) to evaluate different end-of-life options. This technique enables a more precise analysis of factors influencing consumer choices and identifies the best options. Based on the findings, various factors—such as accessibility to recycling centers, awareness of disposal methods, distrust in governments, financial incentives, charitable contributions, and concerns about data security—directly influence consumers’ decisions.
These factors significantly shape consumer behavior regarding WEEE and, consequently, their end-of-life choices. Additionally, the analyses reveal that awareness of proper disposal methods and the availability of suitable recycling infrastructure can significantly impact consumer decision-making.
Results and discussion: The study identifies four end-of-life options for WEEE: reuse, repair, recycling, and disposal. Using the FAHP technique, the relationships between these factors were examined, and the most suitable end-of-life option was identified based on factors influencing consumer participation in waste management. The results serve as a valuable tool for managing WEEE and contribute to the development of effective end-of-life strategies. These strategies will foster a more sustainable approach to WEEE management.
Conclusions: Finally, the research recommends that policymakers and relevant stakeholders design comprehensive educational and awareness programs to enhance consumer knowledge about WEEE management methods. Such initiatives can help promote a culture of sustainable waste management and encourage consumers to adopt more environmentally friendly options. These efforts will play a key role in reducing the negative impacts of WEEE on the environment and public health.


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