A Robust Risk Management Model for the Blood Supply Chain in Corona Pandemic Condition

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Nowshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Nowshahr, Iran.

4 Assistant Professor, Depatment of Industrial Management, West Teharan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.



Introduction and objectives: Supply chain risk management is a proactive approach to prevent potential and unexpected consequences. This research aims to develop a mathematical model to reduce the risk within the blood supply chain during pandemics. Specifically, a robust, multi-objective, scenario-based model has been proposed to mitigate the risk of the blood supply chain under critical conditions.
Methods: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the blood supply from donors, leading to a crisis in the blood supply chain. Unlike previous research that focused on increased demand due to crises like earthquakes or wars, this study addresses the disruption in supply. To overcome this uncertainty, a three-level model with two objectives was developed. The first objective is to minimize total cost, and the second is to maximize the reliability of the blood supply chain. The model is then made robust by considering uncertainty in blood supply. The novelty of this research lies in presenting a mathematical model that simultaneously optimizes the two conflicting objectives of cost and reliability while considering supply uncertainty. The weighted sum method was used to convert the multi-objective model into a single-objective one, and the model was solved using GAMS software and the BARON solver.
Results and discussion: To validate the model, the problem was tested under various scenarios using real-world data, and a sensitivity analysis was conducted to assess the model's stability against parameter changes. The total cost minimization in the robust model was calculated, and it was observed that as the weight of the cost minimization objective function increased, this objective function moved towards minimization and optimization, stabilizing at a weight of 0.1. By increasing the weight in the reliability maximization objective function, the value of this objective function stabilized at 0.5 and moved towards maximization, reaching its maximum at a weight of 1. The Pareto solutions for changes in the cost function and stable reliability are presented, showing that as the stability of the cost objective function increases, the stable reliability function decreases significantly, and vice versa. Additionally, the relationship between reliability and the number of blood collection facilities was directly proportional. However, the reliability of the system did not increase beyond a certain point (15 facilities). Consequently, constructing more than 15 blood collection facilities is not cost-effective, indicating increased efficiency in the supply chain at the level of blood collection facilities when using the proposed model. The findings show that the presented model can determine the optimal amount of blood collected from donors, the number of collection centers, the blood inventory level at blood centers and hospitals, as well as the units of blood sent from blood centers to hospitals, aiming to reduce risk and manage the blood supply chain effectively during critical blood supply conditions like the COVID-19 pandemic.
Conclusion: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the importance of blood supply chain risk management. Since the blood supply chain is vital for public health, organizations and institutions involved in this field should implement robust plans and strategies to manage risks and enhance the stability of the blood supply chain during crises like pandemics. Therefore, implementing a robust risk management model for the blood supply chain in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic will help organizations ensure their stability and performance, effectively addressing society's blood supply needs.


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