Evaluation of Human Resource Productivity Risks, Fuzzy DEMATEL and System Dynamics Approach (Case Study: High-Rise Building Projects)

Document Type : Original Article


1 MSc., Department of Construction, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.

2 Professor, Department of Construction, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran.


Introduction: The productivity of skilled human resources is one of the key factors influencing the performance of construction projects, and neglecting this issue can result in irreparable damages to the projects. Low labor productivity is one of the fundamental challenges in the construction industry, as it has consistently been a cause of excessive increases in time and cost in construction projects. Research conducted on the risk factors affecting human resource productivity in projects has shortcomings, such as a lack of comprehensiveness in the risk identification process, failure to consider the interactions between risks, and the failure to account for risk factors and their impacts on productivity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to identify the risk factors and the resulting risks, analyze, and prioritize them to manage critical risks more effectively.
Methods: This research is a case study, and the data collection tools include structured interviews and questionnaires. The first step of this research is to identify the productivity indicators of skilled human resources and the risks arising from these indicators. The process for completing this step includes a comprehensive review of the literature to identify the indicators and risks, followed by interviews with 10 experts in the field to verify the identified risks. In the second step, to analyze the risks, we first employ the fuzzy DEMATEL method to determine the causal relationships between system variables. Using the information obtained from this step, we apply the system dynamics approach to model the risks. After creating the stock-flow diagram and conducting simulations, we identify the sensitive and critical points of the system.
Results and Discussion: The results show that the risks of site execution interference, falling from height, unsafe operations, electrocution, non-compliance with plans and specifications, surface defects during execution, rework, machinery and equipment efficiency, communication and coordination, and material wastage are among the 10 key risks that contribute to decreased productivity in high-rise building projects.
The results of the risk analysis indicate that the risks of 1) site execution interference, 2) rework, 3) communication and coordination, and 4) falling from height have the most significant impact on construction projects. The findings also reveal that the risk of site execution interference, if it occurs, could reduce productivity to 190 units of work completed per month, while rework could reduce productivity to 300 units. On the other hand, the risk of falling from height reduces productivity to 380 units, whereas communication-related risks maintain productivity at around 300 units. Therefore, as the greatest reduction in productivity is related to the risk of site execution interference, this risk is identified as the most critical in the system.
Conclusions: The model developed in this research has significant potential to assist construction managers in systematically evaluating the negative impacts of productivity risks. Project managers can use the findings of this research to focus more on key risks, such as site execution interference, rework, communication and coordination, and falling from height, managing these risks more effectively. By doing so, they can optimize the productivity of human resources, a critical issue in the construction industry. The advantage of this research for the construction industry is that it helps managers better understand the dynamics of productivity risks and, by restoring the connections between risks and breaking key interactions in feedback loops, stop the escalating impact of risks on one another.


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