Developing Smart Supply Chain Management Model in Fast-moving Consumer Goods Industry (FMCG)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. Candidate, Industrial Management Department, Faculty of Management, Alborz Campus University of Tehran, Alborz, Iran.

2 Professor, Industrial Management Department, Faculty of Management, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran.

3 Assistant Professor, Industrial Management Department, Faculty of Management, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


The main purpose of the research is to achieve a smart supply chain management model for FMCG industry in Iran. Since this research is of an exploratory mixture type, in qualitative section after reviewing the existing literature and collecting the relevant literature of the researchs, related articles identified and the obtained results analyzed by Multi-Grounded theory. After performing the meta-synthesis method, the selected articles extracted. Then after interviewing with 15 experts, the categories were coded. The result led to the extraction of the model. In the quantitative part, in order to refine the attributes, the DCSM used. Next in qualitative part, for model configuration, FsQCA method implemented. Quantitative data collected from 20 supply chain managers and experts in companies active in FMCG industry in Tehran. Based on the results obtained, the model has 6 main categories, 21 sub-categories and 113 attributes. Also, based on the results of the quantitative section, 92 attributes determined as the most appropriate attributes and then the most suitable combination of the attributes related to the paradigm model determined. The results of the research presented a conceptual model for smart supply chain management in FMCG industry in Iran, which can be used by industrialists and researchers.


Main Subjects

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