Proposing a Method for Determining the Appropriate Purchasing Strategy Based on the Purchasing Portfolio Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, University of Isfahan.

2 Ph.D Student, University of Isfahan.

3 M.A., University of Isfahan.



The aim of purchasing portfolio is commodity classification to determine the suitable purchasing strategy. In this research, we propose a new method for the classification of commodities with the extension of purchasing portfolio approaches. Indeed, the purpose of this research is to determine the appropriate purchasing strategy for commodities with the consideration of purchasing portfolio. Furthermore, first, by reviewing the literature and surveying the specialists and databases, the dimensions of profit impact, market complexity, and the balance of supplier and buyer power were considered and appropriate criteria for classifying commodities and services were determined. After determining the number of dimensions, the weight of the criteria in each dimension was calculated using the best-worst method. Then, using the TOPSIS method, the score of commodities was obtained in each dimension and the position of the commodities and services was determined on a matrix. To determine the most suitable strategy by considering commodity position based on three defined dimensions, at first, the appropriate strategies were collected by reviewing the research literature, and then, the most appropriate strategy for each category of commodities was determined. Finally, the proposed method was implemented for the commodities of a company, and the results were presented.


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