New Product Development Model in the Iran Automotive Industry

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor, Shahid Beheshti University.

2 Ph.D. Student, Shahid Beheshti University.


The high risk of failure in design projects and weaknesses in implementing the optimal process for the development of new products in the automotive industry on the one hand and the inefficiency of this area in identifying and modeling the design of new products on the other hand are among the most important issues facing the automotive industry. However, the possibility of localizing and balancing the prevailing patterns in this regard faces many challenges and issues. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and explain the new product development model in the Iran automotive industry. Using development-applicable approach, this research has followed the ground theory strategy and validated by the experts using the Delphi model. The results of the research indicate a four-stage model including ideology, technical and market evaluation, screening and design selection in the design of new products.


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